We learned many things during the season we will carry with us for the rest of our lives.

Having a small team is nice - since it is easier to get together and know each other, but teams with more members seem to get more done. A goal we need to achieve is recruiting more members, which would let us host outreach and service projects, get more done in the build season, and raise more money overall; as well as spreading interest about FIRST and robotics to more people in the community.

- Eric Hall

Being on a robotics team, especially when on a smaller one, there is always something to do. We had gained a ton of knowledge during the competition, and now we need to put it all to good use. Having a bigger team would definitely help, but we need to make sure everyone is at least doing something productive before we can expand the team.

- Grace Wise

This was my first year not doing an athletic sport and joining FIRST has been the greatest decision of my life. I have learned better communication skills, had the opportunity to practice public speaking and understand how to ask for anything. Lack of cooperation and a lack of clear understanding breaks down projects. As a team we learned efficient methods to stay organized. As business captain I learned the number of calls and follow up required to get money in the team’s bank account.

- Tanner Larson

I learned so many things that I never thought I could do, such as I the many tools used to build the robot, connect all the wires at the heart of the robot,and ask people for donations. I also got used to teamwork. This the an excellent experience in my life for both knowledge and the social part.

- Hannah Qi

FRC truly is the varsity sport for the mind. I have been able to get my hands dirty in things I never thought possible, and the experiences I’ve had are irreplaceable. My love for math and science has only deepened, along with my understanding of logistics, business, entrepreneurship, leadership, and, of course, friendships. I learned lessons in efficiency and team organization, and especially how to keep things moving. With such a small team, everyone has a job, and I look forward to having more members in the future.

- Christopher Clyne

I learned a lot from robotics this year. I learned more about programming, I learned a lot about robot building, which I didn’t have any experience with, and I also got a lot of friends and helpful relationships.

- Henry Andersen

This is my first time trying to build a robot. I learned lots of things during this year. Such as I learned about computer programming and how to make group work better. I also made more friends in this team. I had a very good experience in our Robotic team.

- Jing Chen

When being asked to join the First Robotics team was quite nerve wracking for me because it was out of my comfort zone. However, I took the opportunity due to the team’s enthusiasm and passion. I learned that teamwork comes with the ability to compromise and be flexible with each aspect. First Robotics for me stretched my knowledge on a new level of mechanical and programming engineering, fundraising, and ways to combine math and science to create efficiency. It was fun engaging with other students that were deeply interested in their work and we’re always willing to help one another. It was a wonderful experience I won’t forget and I highly suggest this program to high school students that are interested in the STEM field.

- Shaykayla Smith

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